Music is food for my Soul
When my life feels out of control
Music is food for my soul
When I feel that need to connect
I plug in
To jazz
I mean – I expect
That Miles can take me away
My breathing changes
And the tears begin to roll
Cleansing my mind
Music is food for my soul
Now it is not always the melody
That takes me on a journey
No, the beat
Makes me tap my feet
And those low steady tones
Of the bass
Keep my groove in place
So when life takes its toll
Music is food for my soul.
And even when I’m happy
There is a place in the melody
Finding myself humming a song
Yes when life is good music still comes along
Music is food for my soul
Music is food for my soul
Live music is such a treat
The whole experience is so sweet
When my girl Cynthia
Sings My Funny Valentine
My heart opens up
And the memories are sublime.
Music is food for my soul
Music is food for my soul
Music is food for my soul
Let’s go eat some
I mean I want a big purple bowl
Of music for my soul.